woensdag 30 december 2009


Litle droid :)

Klonk and Slarbel

Slow day at work so was messing a bit in Photoshop yaaaay XD

maandag 21 december 2009


Some sort of huge ship flying in to a high orbid. In retrospect.. I think I should not have the fanning out white crap behind the exost

dinsdag 15 december 2009

Chop chop!

A little Gif animation I just made just for funn/practice. There are 11 frames in total but 1 is white though. So 10 little drawings :P

zondag 13 december 2009

Full off #@*!

Yes ermmm I am still thinking about a short story. I just cant make up my mind cry -_-U


Was listening to the bladerunner soundtrack and this is what happened.
I am pretty happy with the back ground :D