A colleague had her 25th anniversery at my work place so we made a booklet for her this was my page. I was inspired by a drawing made by Edwin Rhemrev (click for a big version|)
It's been a vew days so time to post a new picture. I was waiting for ever on a live u-stream feed so had some time to do this :D (click for a big version although it looks better small)
Well I started drawing this during a long podcast and it is more a finished drawing then a doodle or sketch. But I liked how it turned out so thought I post it anyway. And it's my blog so there :P (click for a big version)
The perspective in the spaceship is a bit wonky Other then that I am prety happy with it...Dogfighhhhht! (click for a big version although I like the small version better)
I have been watching Scott Johnson from myextralife.com drawing with calligraphic brushes in photoshop so i gave that a try. The doggy is a caracter fom Scott's commics (click for a big version)
So I have been thinking about starting a blog for a while now and finaly came round to actualy doing it. It still needs loads of work to make it look a better but hey its a start :D